Is food costing more than it used to feed your family? The price of food is rising! At Harvest Home, we looked for ways you can save a few dollars, stay healthy, and not give up on taste. Try cutting back on how much meat you use in a dish. Replace meat with tofu or beans.
Fresh, Juicy Taste of Summer
Our Harvest Home Farmers’ Markets are bursting with the delicious fresh tastes of summer. FRESH ripened-on-the-vine red tomatoes, corn on the cob, and all kinds of juicy melons have arrived. Freshly picked from our farms, they are dripping with flavor.
Strong Hearts Love Longer
Don't Forget The Dairy
Fall is approaching. Check out what's in season with these handy lists from the HHFM farmers at Migliorelli Farm - What's in Season in the Fields and What's in Season in the Orchard. Both lists are incredibly helpful and even include a storage and shelf life guide.