Throughout the season, as customers shop for farm-fresh produce at our farmer’s markets, HHFM manages on-site programs that focus on nutrition education, physical fitness, and presenting new and fun ways to prepare our local, farm-fresh produce
The Eating for Good Health Nutrition Education Program brings chefs and nutritionists into our farmer’s markets for interactive cooking demonstrations that feature affordable and appealing ways of cooking regional produce. About 15,000 adult shoppers and children each season leave the workshops with recipes in English and Spanish that they can use at home.
The Healthy Seniors Healthy Shoppers (H2S2) is a Harvest Home specific program that provides seniors 60+ years of age and who receive less than $281/month in SNAP. Eligible seniors receive $14 in H2S2 vouchers to purchase produce at our markets.
Funded in part by the United States Department of Agriculture and the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets, the Farm-To-City program provides traditionally underserved farmers with the opportunity to recoup a portion of expenses incurred while bringing their crops to Harvest Home farmer’s markets. This can help cover things such as fuel, tolls, labor, and seeds, among other costs.