Reference Materials
Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty
Closing the Food Gap by Mark Winne tells the story of how we get our food: from poor people at food pantries or bodegas and convenience stores to the more comfortable classes, who increasingly seek out organic and local products.
Farmers’ Market Federation of New York
This non-profit organization supports farmer’s market organizers, farmers, vendors, and communities interested in starting markets. The Federation offers conferences, publishes a newsletter, and provides low-cost health and liability insurance coverage for farmers, market vendors, and sponsors.
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets
This website offers information on markets and farmers in New York State. You can look for farms in a particular part of the state as well as by a specific product you are searching for.
Regional Farm and Food Project
This nonprofit organization offers information about local farms, including farm tours, conferences, an informative newsletter, and networking opportunities.
The Institute of Culinary Education
ICE offers both professional and recreational classes in their conveniently located Manhattan center. They are a great supporter of local food and farmers' markets.
New York Farm Bureau
The New York Farm Bureau is the state’s largest farm advocacy group working to solve economic and public policy issues challenging the agriculture industry.
Associated New York State Food Processors
This organization is the oldest statewide food processing trade association in the nation, representing various segments of the food industry.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
The Cornell Cooperative Extension enables people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work.
United States Department of Agriculture
This website offers an extensive overview of all USDA agencies, services, and programs, which enhance the quality of life for the American people by supporting agricultural production.
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
The Marketing Service section of the USDA website provides current, unbiased price and sales information to assist in the orderly marketing and distribution of farm commodities.
New York State Maple Producers Association
This association supports the maple products industry in New York State and promotes its long-term viability