food cost

Join Our New Year Resolution

Join Our New Year Resolution

Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!  The Holiday parties are over, the gloom of winter may be here and the conversation is about losing Holiday pounds.  But, we will start the New Year by being creative and having FUN with food. We will talk about what to do rather than what not to do.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

From our Harvest Home family to yours.  We recommend turning off your computer and engaging in conversation, singing, and laughing with loved ones instead of texting. Christmas and Chanukah are just around the corner, and Kwanzaa begins the day after!

Let us Celebrate!

Let us Celebrate!

It’s Spring and Cinco de Mayo!  A perfect combination of celebrations.  Cinco de Mayo is a celebration created by Mexicans living in America in the late 1800s. Celebrated in America, but not much south of the border, it is in memory of the victory of a small Mexican army over a 3 times as large French colonial force.

Getting More Veggies into Your Family’s Meals

Getting More Veggies into Your Family’s Meals

Veggies are good and healthy for all of us, especially kids. But “Kids don’t like veggies.” Actually, kids don’t like bland, boring veggies. A bit of seasoning, a few “sneaky” tricks, and a bit of fun can get your whole family eating more veggies.

Beat The Increased Cost of Eating

Beat The Increased Cost of Eating

Is feeding your family costing more than it used to? The price of food is rising! At Harvest Home, we looked for ways that can save you a few dollars while staying healthy and not giving up on the taste. Try cutting back a bit on how much meat you use in a dish.