
It’s Fall. Celebrate Apples!

It’s Fall. Celebrate Apples!

Macoun, Gala, Red Delicious, Honey Crisp, Braeburn, a beautiful variety of apples you can only find at our Harvest Home Farmer’s Markets. Full of taste, from sweet to tart and crispy delicious. Eat them alone, create snacks, mix them with other fall veggies, add them to soup, salads or stews, bake them in desserts, like apple pies.

Good for You Treats - from the Easter Bunny

Good for You Treats - from the Easter Bunny

Bunnies like Carrots, and so should you, they are loaded with Vitamin C and made a delicious dessert to satisfy any sweet tooth. Our Carrot Cake (recipe below) includes carrots (of course), applesauce, eggs and walnuts, the perfect combination of protein, carbs, and healthy fats like Omega-3.



February is all about Hearts! It's American Heart Health Month. It's Valentine's Day. Show your valentine you really care about his/her heart with meals that make the heart stronger and healthier. It's amazing what the right food will do for LOVE! 

KEEPING NEW YEAR PROMISES: Small Steps Get Big Results

KEEPING NEW YEAR PROMISES: Small Steps Get Big Results

Big things always start small...and grow!  Before you could run, you learned to take small steps first. It's the same with New Year's promises like "eating healthier" or "losing a few pounds". You just have to get started. And NOW is the perfect time.  Forget "dieting."  Try one small step a week.  Make little changes to what you eat.  Choose one thing and just do it. In a week or two, add another change... and WOW! You're on your way to a healthier you.