September 26, 2020
The deliciousness of juicy red tomatoes, corn on the cob, crisp peppers and sweet peaches are quickly coming to an end. The best tastes of summer are still available at our markets. Packed with flavor just freshly picked from the farm. With mouthwatering taste, they are powerhouses of the healthy nutrition you want and need and with some planning; you can get that taste this winter, too.
Eat them as a snack. Eat them raw or cooked. Make salsa and salads or toss bits of them into anything you cook.
Tomatoes help lower cholesterol so they are good for your heart. With lots of Vitamin C that protects your immune system, are good for your eyes and the overall wellness of your skin.
Corn is full of antioxidants that clean your body. Good for the eyes as well. Surprise: An ear of corn has about the same calories of an apple. Just watch the butter...try plant base butters or using a bit of olive oil instead.
Peppers: Their low calorie crunch is full of vitamins A and C, fiber and beta carotene. Good for your eyes and builds your immune system.
Peaches have 10 vitamins, like A and C and lots of B vitamins for a nutritious snack.
All these summer treats are high in fiber for better digestion and low in calories to help you maintain or obtain a healthy weight.
FOR THE WINTER: Buy an extra ear of corn, an extra peach, an extra pepper. Freeze them for the winter (Instructions below). A little extra every week or two and you'll be stocked with summer taste during the winter.
INDULGE YOURSELF. Let the pure satisfaction of the taste get you healthier.
RECIPE: Tomatoes, Corn, Zucchini Mix
Great by itself or as the basis of a whole meal. Just add chunks of chicken or some extra lettuce or even a bit of cooked pasta.
6 large ears of fresh corn (cooked or raw)
2 large ripe tomatoes
1 medium zucchini or cucumber
1 small onion
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley (optional)
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
Zucchini and Cucumber: Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut into ½ cubes, sprinkle with ½ teaspoon of salt and let drain in a colander set over a bowl, covered and chilled, 1 hour. (Removes the extra water) Cucumber: Cut into ½ inch cubes.
Rinse tomatoes and cut into ½ inch cubes.
Cut each ear of corn in half, stand each half ear on end and cut off the kernels
Chop onion, parsley and cilantro.
Combine in a bowl with lemon or lime juice
Add a can of chickpeas or black beans
Add some rice or small pasta
Add 1 inch pieces of cooked chicken and lettuce if you want.
Add another tablespoon of lime or lemon juice and 3 tablespoon of olive oil.
Salt and pepper to taste
Taken from:
TIPS: Storage
Tomatoes and peaches: Ripen quickly on your counter. They taste better without being refrigerated. Purchase a few that are a little hard and in 4-5 days they'll be just ripe for eating.
Fresh corn: Best eaten a day or two after you buy it. Store cobs in the fridge to keep the sweetness.
SAVING FOR WINTER: One extra each week
CORN: Cook an extra ear of corn. Run it immediately under cold water to cool. Cut kernels off the cob. Store in zip-lock bag and freeze.
PEPPERS: No cooking needed. Remove seeds, cut in strips and freeze in zip-lock bag.
PEACHES: Peel and slice. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Place in single layer on baking sheet. Freeze overnight. Place in zip-lock bag.
NOTE: Remove as much air as possible from your zip lock bag before storing in freezer.
TIPS: Combos to try:
Sliced tomatoes with basil. Add some mozzarella cheese and a bit of olive oil.
Peaches and almonds with a dash of cinnamon makes a nice dessert.
Grill peaches (lightly) with a sprinkle of marjoram (optional).
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