Support our Year-End-Appeal and help fund a NYC Nutrition &Wellness Center!
Your donation will help us grow and keep our programs active!
Donate today to help us educate HHFM communities about better health outcomes through nutrition and healthy living.
Harvest Home Farmer's Market (Harvest Home) is thriving and bringing reasonably priced farm fresh produce to food deserts, promoting better health outcomes through nutrition and nutrition education focused on lower income New York City residents. SUPPORT Harvest Home’s Nutrition and Wellness Center Fund.
#GivingNutrition&Wellness is the launch of our fund to relocate and add a Nutrition and Wellness Center that incorporates a new office location and a teaching kitchen. Every dollar from corporations, foundations and institutions helps. Major donors will have the opportunity to brand the kitchen, nutrition and wellness room(s), and possible office areas. Donations will be placed in an interest bearing account to be used for this dream goal. Harvest Home needs your help to realize this goal.
You can also support Harvest Home's operations by doing your regular shopping through Amazon Smile and selecting Harvest Home Farmer's Market as your charity of choice. Your purchase price will not change and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to us. You can learn more about Amazon Smile here Select Harvest Home Farmer’s Market.
Your tax deductible financial support will make this dream a reality. I look forward to successful market seasons to come and fulfilling Harvest Home's mission of better health outcomes through nutrition.
Thank you for your support.